All you need to do
is use the built in editor or edit the ASCII file included in the download
(typically C:\Program Files\AutoGroups\Grouplist.TXT)
and add your associations. The format is descriptor (in quotes) followed by
Group name (in quotes) as follows:
"TR12", "Only
"TR12*", "Everything
starting with TR12"
"Everything ending with TR12"
containing TR12"
NOT containing TR12"
The text in the first set of quotes will be the matching parameters and the
second will be the target group name.
Asterisk (*) wildcards may only be used at the beginning or end (or
both) of a
descriptor and tilde (~ meaning "everything but") may be used only at
the beginning.
Download a full version of
AutoGroups below (as soon as you register we'll
e-mail or mail you an authorization code for permanent use).
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