Free Downloads

This page contains links to various miscellaneous files we are making available for download. In some cases the code is not protected and can be edited as desired. In all cases you assume responsibility for the code. There are no warranties or guarantees either expressed or implied.

The specific version requirements are shown on the first line of the descriptions. Some routines work in vanilla AutoCAD, others require Land Development Desktop 2 or higher.

NOTE: some routines were written years ago in older versions of LDT and require a reference to be set in VBA. If you get an error go to the vba editor (vbaide) and click Tools, references. If the land type library is "missing" deselect it, then scroll down the list to locate "Autodesk Land Type Library" and select it, then save the routine and exit the editor.

VBA routines can be loaded and run as follows:


    To load type VBAload and load the "whatever".dvb file

    To run type VBArun and run the macro


    or put the dvb file in a folder in your support path and put the following text on a button:




VBA Utilities for AutoCAD2000+ and/or Land Desktop 2+:


Paste pline area as s.f. or acres


Append Text (to front or back of existing strings)

Add a number to a group of text strings

Insert text with prefix and number that is incremented by 1 each time


Grab block attributes in Excel, edit values in Excel and update drawing

Add Attributes of any block (Count Parking)

Insert a block using the attribute value of a selected block and a differential

Convert Text Strings or blocks with attribute to LDD points

Convert Eagle Point Blocks to Land Desktop points


Point Group Table Macro

Draw a 2D or 3D polyline through the points of any point group

Label North/South East/West difference between 2 points

Convert Text Strings or blocks with attribute to LDD points

Convert Eagle Point Blocks to Land Desktop points


Total length of all alignments in LDD


Imperial to Metric

Convert Inches to Decimal

Temporarily set fillet to zero

Q-Set - Save and recall named collections of settings (layer, textstyle, dimstyle, layout, ltscale)

LTscale switch - automatically changes LTscale from paperspace to modelspace


Convert Text Strings or blocks with attribute to Point objects (tested only in LDD2)

This macro takes the values of a set of text strings or the first block attribute and creates LDD points. The strings must be numeric only. The actual elevation of the text object is ignored (the value of each string is used for the elevation of the new point). The string insertion points are used as the locations of the new points. In the case of blocks the first attribute is used for the point elevation. The routine must be edited to add descriptions or use other attributes as elevations.

Type VBAload, browse to the file

Type VBArun, select Text2Points or Blocks2Points , click run...

Formats: (17 k)
Last updated: March 5, 2002


Convert Eagle Point blocks to Land Desktop point objects (LDD2+)

This macro takes converts selected Eagle Point blocks to Land Desktop points. The Eagle Point block attributes should be: number, description, elevation.

Type VBAload, browse to the file

Type VBArun, select Blocks2Points, click run...

Formats: (18 k)
Last updated: April 27, 2002


Point Group Table Macro (LDD2+)

This is an edited version of the macro that can be found in the samples directory of LDD2.  It places a table of text in a drawing showing point data (number, north, east, elevation) for a particular group.  I edited it to use the current text style and height.

Formats: (44 k)
Last updated: June 8, 2000


Paste Pline area as s.f. or acres (AutoCAD2000+)

Allows selection of a polyline, shows area in AutoCAD units and acres. Allows user to paste either or both as text.

To load: type Vbaload, browse to dvb file

To Run: type VBArun, select PlineInAcres, and click Run

Formats: (50 k)
Last updated: February 28, 2001


Imperial and Metric (LDD2+)

Displays line and curve data in both units. (Bearing reports not designed for North rotated drawing).

To load: type Vbaload, browse to dvb file

To Run: type VBArun, select feettometers, and click Run

Formats: (55 k)
Last updated: August 8, 2000


Convert Inches to Decimal (AutoCAD2000+)

Converts feet and inches entered to decimal feet.

Formats: (17 k)
Last updated: September 6, 2000


Fillet Zero (AutoCAD2000+)

Saves current value of AutoCAD fillet command and sets fillet to zero. Previous fillet can then be recalled. Menu included.

Formats: (7 k)
Last updated: June 8, 2000


Add to Text (AutoCAD2000+)

Allows user to specify a number (positive or negative) to add to existing text strings (lot numbers, datum changes, etc.).  User selects precision.

To load: type Vbaload, browse to dvb file

To Run: type VBArun, select AddtoText, and click Run

Formats: (43 k)
Last updated: August 8, 2000


NorthEast (LDD2+)

Allows user to pick 2 points on screen and the distances due North/South and East/West are placed in the drawing using current project precision.

Formats: (11 k)
Last updated: October 10, 2000


Groupline (LDD2+)

Allows user to select a point group and draws a 2D or 3D polyline through the points in numerical order.

To load: type Vbaload, browse to dvb file

To Run: type VBArun, select GroupLine or GroupLine3D, and click Run

Formats: (55 k) (32k)
Last updated: February 26, 2001


AddAlign (LDD2+)

Displays total length of all defined alignments. Includes menu (add path to support files search path).

Formats: (7 k)
Last updated: February 27, 2001


Tags.xlt (AutoCAD2000+ and Excel97+)

From Excel you can pull in block attributes, edit them and then update the drawing.

Formats: (44 k)
Last updated: February 27, 2001


Q-Set (AutoCAD2000+)

Save and restore named collections of settings (layer, textstlye, dimstyle, ltscale, layout).

Add path to support files search path.

Formats: (41 k)
Last updated: February 28, 2001


Append Text (AutoCAD2000+)

Add a string to the front or back of any existing text or mtext string.

Formats: (19 k)
Last updated: March 21, 2001



Count Parking (Add attributes) AutoCAD2000+

Adds the values of similar attributes in a drawing (and can add occurences of the "handi" block for including handicap spaces).

Formats: (22 k)
Last updated: September 6, 2001


Insert a block with an attribute value derived from a selected block and a differential (AutoCAD2000+)

This routine was requested by someone who wanted to select a block that represented a floor elevation and have a block representing a basement elevation inserted at a certain lower elevation.


User selects an existing block for the base elevation, enters a differential and selects a new block to insert and an insertion point. The attribute of the new block is the attribute value of the selected block plus (or minus) the differential.


To load type VBAload and load: Elev_from_Block.dvb

To run type VBArun and run Elev_from_Block


To create a menu button put the DVB file in any directory in your support path and use the text in the .txt file to create a menu button.


This routine creates a tiny file in the root directory of your C drive which holds the last entered values (block name and differential). You can edit the dvb file to change the path.


NOTE: It is assumed that the elevation of the reference block is the first attribute. The routine would have to be modified to use any other attribute.

Formats: (21 k)
Last updated: April 13, 2002


Ltscale (AutoCAD2000+)

Automatically changes the ltscale of a drawing to 1 when entering a paperspace tab and to the value of dimscale when entering modelspace.

Formats: (6 k)
Last updated: September 6, 2001


Insert text string with prefix and incrementing suffix (AutoCAD2000+)

Prompts for a prefix and starting number. Inserts the prefix and increments number until finished. Uses current layer and text style. Stores defaults in a small file in route of C drive.


To load type VBAload and load: SeqText.dvb

To run type VBArun and run seqtext


or put the routine in a folder in your support path and put the following text on a button:


Formats: (43 k)
Last updated: February  20, 2003



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